A Plea from the Forest's Captive | Teen Ink

A Plea from the Forest's Captive

September 4, 2014
By clamorings BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
clamorings BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
4 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Poetry is an echo, asking the shadows to dance." -Carl Sundburg

the leaves and branches slap against my skin

only the red remains

as the forest decays

I heard your name.


I cannot keep on running 

your name has conspired with my shadow

it follows at my heels- your voice becomes a lasso

I cannot return to you, or let you go.


tie me down and I shall curse the shackles

never shall I revere the metal holding

my tattered wings from exploding

even if my chains were of gold I would not praise them.


the forest aches to bar my path

yet the leaves fold under my bare feet

yet the deer gaze solemnly and leave

our "something" was not fated to persevere


all you did was grab at me

like the shadows did when all I needed

was for you to hold me close and give me freedom

now I sprint through the forest trail with a scream


now the underbrush and moonlight

leads me, a vagabond

through its arms and camoflauges

the fact that I am brutally alone


you left me to wander the forest, solitary

and never gave me the affection that I deemed neccessary. 

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