Through My Window | Teen Ink

Through My Window

December 12, 2008
By Anonymous

Outside of this window,
I hear the tv tell me all the sad stories,
Of death, and moms and dads, and runaway kids,
I hear songs that make me shake my head,
Screaming curses, and whispering thoughts that make me cringe.

I like it in here, in my window
I can read what i want, when i want,
And dance until my legs collapse,
I can love, without going out of control,
And i can wonder, and dream, and hope, and grow close to everything i believe in.

Some of my best friends are right outside that window,
They used to lean gently upon it, loving the sights outside,
And we would sit together, and giggle as the strange people passed by,
We'd wonder how they became like that, and what could possess it to happen,
And then one day it did happen, and now i sit from within the glass, watching them, wondering.

Sometimes, i lean close, pressing my face up against the cool glass,
It'd be so easy, to just step over and live, live it up, and live it all,
But then i turn around, and their faces, and their words,
I run to them.

We can jump, we can play,
We can be stupid, crazy,
We can think with our hearts, and listen to them speak slowly,
We can let our hearts pound, over silly things, and smile,
Because the pounding of our hearts is the soft soft melody we sing to.

We live over here,
We get by quite alright,
And for those who live just outside,
I'll always be here, for who could forget them, and the nights we spent giggling,
But for now, I'm here,
And I'm pretty sure,
That I'm gonna stay over here,
Because it's all i got,
And right now,
It's all I want.

The author's comments:
This is kind of about temptation. I was inspired to write it when me and my friend were spending the night writing, and this is what came out of it :]

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