Hopefully Understood | Teen Ink

Hopefully Understood

October 26, 2008
By Anonymous

felt the touch of the heavens
accomplished my sevens of creation
flew the skies with world's faith
chased the heated suns warm bait
seem the edge of the rainbow
fractioned my eating
danced with my ancestry
walked the plank of natural joints
ridden a book with hope
found my distorted mirror image
invented a genre of words
made minds complexion on earth possible
accomplished serenity without gore
made peace piece by piece on earth
but i have yet to live
i know not know who i am
but have devised what i want to evolve to
and that is what life is about, a journey
a journey of the mind
a matter of the mind
a creation of imagination into reality
and which is why hope had us
only the mind knows life's master plan

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This article has 1 comment.

laureate210 said...
on Dec. 25 2008 at 10:22 pm
nice job.. but the seem should be a seen...other than that nice...