Desecration of a Smile | Teen Ink

Desecration of a Smile

December 10, 2008
By Anonymous

The Desecration of a Smile

His smile is secretive,

Yet it speaks from a crawl.

Its one thing to a person

and then to another its not the same at all.

It breathes life and joy,

but then it changes to a sarcastic toy.

He wants it to be that of kindness and love,

Then others take it as an insulting push or shove.

The world takes his smile and turns into something black,

all he can do is sit and wait for the stereotype to crack.

Like his smile he starts to notice the desecration in life.

Things meant for bliss and love are turned awful on sight.

Who's to blame for all the desecration,

can it be stopped or is it doomed for constant rotation.

Things change with time.

What was considered a kind and gentle hug of greeting,

now is known for being something of perverse and unnatural rhyme.

A gentle wink of kidding stature,

transforms to a sign of unkind nature.

The only thing the boy feels he can do is smile,

and hope that his and everyone's problem will change for the while.

A smile in life has a double connotation.

So does life, with a fake loving paradox smile for the fowl.

Then it comes to the boy with a great revelation,

smile to the world live for the now.

The author's comments:
I wrote this one day after thinking about all of the negative things we are forced to be enveloped by in our day to day routine. A simple hug for instance turning into something of alternative motives. This poem is the idea that we should try to get back to how we originaly viewed they appear

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