Comeback With A Huh? | Teen Ink

Comeback With A Huh?

December 10, 2008
By Anonymous

Comeback with a Huh?

The “comeback” begins with a close up of
thick strands of silly string peroxide weave.
With a pivot and kick ball change,
her high heel snaps in two.
Like a ambling version of the Leaning Tower of Pisa
Britney drunkenly travels across the stage.
Her lips may move, but no words come out.
Her arms might move, but with no zealous love
for pop art.
While grinding and kicking male dancers,
A loose belly flops about.
With every shimmy and every shake
her carelessness shines in the midst of her well-rehearsed dancers.
No claps from the executive and celebrity filled audience are heard
following her curtsy and bow,
instead I hear the awkward silence Phil Collins heard
after he witnessed a man watch another man drown.

The author's comments:
Dear Teen Ink,

My name is Mitchell Sunderland. I have recently been published in the North Carolina Women's Magazine summer 2008 issue. I enjoy reading your magazine and look forward to hearing back from you.

Thank You,


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