Spoken Love | Teen Ink

Spoken Love

June 24, 2014
By ChildofApollo SILVER, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
ChildofApollo SILVER, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
5 articles 8 photos 0 comments

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(i dont know)

You are the reason I have eyes, to see your beauty
You are why I have ears, to hear your voice
You are why I have a mouth, to voice my love for you
How I would proclaim my love to the world, to wake up each morning to the face which makes me laugh, I don’t believe words could ever truly capture my love for you, that feeling in my gut…but you create it.

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on Jun. 26 2014 at 10:31 pm
bella-nielsen GOLD, Marshall, Minnesota
13 articles 27 photos 28 comments

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"autism isn't contagious, but a smile is and that's what im afraid of."-grumpy cat

awe soooo cute