A Pebble | Teen Ink

A Pebble

December 4, 2008
By Anonymous

A Pebble

You pass it through your fingers,
Feeling its smooth warm center, and its rough well-worn edges
Your lucky stone in you pocket
Absorbing its luck and when letting it go, know you have received
A token from a leprechauns pot ‘o gold
Supporting you with its good fortune all day.
You can collect them or,
Compare them to the shining orbs in the
Everlasting night sky.
Which, like it, will last until the ends of
Time and space.
You can find one where you least expect it-
Under you shoe, or in a corner-
Or where you most want it to be-
Right in your pocket where it belongs.
It is like a grain of sand in an ancient hourglass,
A bit of crumbling mountain
Or an old rock chipped away by that same time
Contained in that ever-flowing hourglass.
Your own bit of time,
That everlasting pebble.

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