It Speaks to Me | Teen Ink

It Speaks to Me

June 15, 2014
By eburcz BRONZE, Chalfont, Pennsylvania
eburcz BRONZE, Chalfont, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Red toned flowers
call out to me,
they draw me closer
as they whisper my name.
The vibrant red color
jumps out of green.
Begging to be seen
and calling out to me.

The maze of the garden
invites me to get lost.
It wants me to see it
for what it truly is,
to tangle myself
in its web of paths.
It wants to be seen,
but only by me.

To take in the beauty
of the architecture,
ancient and crumbling,
dressed in vines.
It doesn’t want me to see
what it truly hides,
The vines that disguise
its many blemishes.

Curious as always
I pull out my camera.
A perfect picture painted
right under my nose.
Never to miss
and never to regret.

A perfect picture painted,
it speaks to me.

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