Imaginary Getaways | Teen Ink

Imaginary Getaways

December 4, 2008
By Anonymous

To be far away is my wish
As far as it could be
From the commotion in this world
Which all around me I see

On a desolate island I wish to be
Somewhere in an unknown sea
With white sand and palm trees
And not a single sound as small as of a bumble bee…

To be alone on the whole wide sea
In a tiny boat with no one beside me
Is where I would love to be,
Which when compared to the present time,
Will be a wonderful alternative of mine,
If I could but flee…

A distant planet I would love to see
With it’s kind offering of tranquility,
I would love to walk on its dust-like-surface,
Without tiring for a moment but walking on incessantly,
Beside its abundant lakes of mercury…

Ah! Anything I would gladly give
In return for a serene slumber
In the infinite arms of space
And not once in my siesta will I grumble
As I do in my uneasy sleep on this perilous earth…

A strange castle on a shadowy mount
With its numerous treasures not yet found
And long-forgotten silent sounds
Is where I wish to be on those insuperable castle grounds,
And not a soul I wish to meet
Either dead or living or a creature with many feet…

Alas! My unattainable ideas of escape
Are but beyond my reach
They are as pathetic as the soap bubbles because
The moment they are challenged they will burst

The author's comments:
I felt so dull, so desperate, so lonely. I looked like my life had been scratched out. I felt so tired, so very tired. I looked inside me and thought i caught a glimpse of hope, or love or happiness: but at once it was gone, swallowed by my deep sea of sorrow. At this moment I feared I would go mad and will eventually lose touch with sanity, as inch by inch I was dragging myself to the brink of a dark pit- insanity. Therefore I struggled against my strength to imagine, to imagine myself flying with imaginary wings. But I couldn't let go of the unwanted companion- my sorrow. I know my imagination is but a tranquilizer for my soul and like all tranquilizers will eventually cease to work and I will be dragged back against my will...

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