Long Since Gone | Teen Ink

Long Since Gone

May 15, 2014
By elsiechaan SILVER, Vancouver, Other
elsiechaan SILVER, Vancouver, Other
8 articles 2 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Beautiful. And ugly. The world is always both. - Ann Aguirre

I can hear the rush of your frantic mind
cogs and wheels, machinery gone wild
bits of your brain like perfect shards of broken glass
all the wrong pieces in all the wrong places
I can see the staccato beats on the screen
dancing a rhythm no one else can see
your arms wrapped in wires in and out of our skin
your shoes on the floor, don’t know where they’ve been

you can go far with 3 days at sea
nowhere in mind, sinking head over feet
your hands immobile, frozen clutching the sheets
your ring finger without a ring it would never meet
all the near days thrown out of the door
your clock hands aren’t moving like the stains on the floor
your new home is the hospital room
from driving down the highway to immaculate doom

I watched the light go out of your eyes
watched your last breath leave the tip of your lips
watched the last beat unfurl from your heart
soul out the window; body miles apart
the ringing in my ears silencing it all
dark looming reality casting shadows on the wall
your cheeks gone cold, life leaving your limbs
trying to rub the heat back into your skin

choking on the truth, my voice is numb
already regretting this price of love
everybody’s gotta go sometime
you were just the first in line
it should have me behind the wheel
falling down dead with the coffee spills
the mid-morning sirens waking up the neighbours
my-mussed up hair for the stand and deliver

I’d rather a VIP ticket to the deadbeat club
than using white lies and digital eyes
laying my head on my side of the bed
while yours will never feel warm again
there won’t be another you when I stop this train
just the art of silence outside in the rain
to lose myself in the midst of repair
wondering, how’s the view from up there

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