Our Childhood (Takes me back) | Teen Ink

Our Childhood (Takes me back)

December 3, 2008
By Anonymous

I feel so far away, far away
But your voice takes me back
to our childhood where we use to play...

I swung on the swing,
you worried I would fall,
you caught me at the bottom
and when I fell and scrapped my knee you kissed it.
you made me feel good...

You moved, so far away, far away,
but our memories bring me back
to are teens where we danced that day...

I held your hand and
you worried `cause I can't dance.
We moved swiftly to the music
but in our world it seemed so quiet.
And when I tripped and scraped my knee you kissed it.
You made me feel good...

Your heart had gone far away, far away
But our senior year took me back
even though it was time to split ways...

I threw my cap up and so did you,
You worried `cause the rest of our lives were ahead of us.
My parents hug me and try not to cry.
And when I ran back to you, with my class ring. you kissed it,
You made me feel good...

Your mind went far away, far away
But our miracles took me back,
our lives were about to change...

You sat next to me in the hospital room,
You worried `cause I was in pain.
A new life we created together,
you heard it cry, with new sounds
and you kissed her.
You make us feel good...

She felt so far away, far away
her childhood took her back,
to where she use to play...

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