Escape | Teen Ink


May 4, 2014
By WildWendy21 PLATINUM, Luling,Texas, Texas
WildWendy21 PLATINUM, Luling,Texas, Texas
37 articles 1 photo 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"mistakes are painful when they happen, but a collection of mistakes is called experience."-tumblr

My heart is full of pain.
You made it this way.
You played it like a game .
The only way you knew how.
You pounded it against a brick.
It hurt so much that it made me clutch my chest.
Every time I breathe I have to take a rest.
Its so bad that when I think of you it makes me mad.
Why your so cruel is one thing I will never know.
You only trusted me enough to tell you everything about me.
But, when I did you used it against me.
Your the dark part of me and I was the light,but you blocked me out so now I can't shine.
Shy and afraid I hide inside my fragile shell afraid to tell others how I feel.
You tried to keep me locked away,but yet to this day I'm screaming away on the inside just trying to escape this mean,deep,dark place.

The author's comments:
"I regret trusting my ex for all the truths I told he told a lie."

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