Tired | Teen Ink


December 1, 2008
By hlbs4him SILVER, Lumberton, Mississippi
hlbs4him SILVER, Lumberton, Mississippi
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’m tired of being me,
but why do always we,
always try to be,
more than what we are?
Must we go so far?
So very very far,
from who we know we are.
I’m tired of being me.
Please tell me you can see.
What’s so wrong with me?
Why am I just me?
Me and only me.
No partner to the end,
no super special friend.
I’m tired of being me.
When will I be there?
Where the weather’s always fair.
Is it far from here?
Do I need to fear?
No one seems to care,
if I’ll even make it there.
I’m tired of being me.
As far as I can see,
this way it shall always be,
forever me just me.
Yet hope I still have in Thee.
A plan You have for me,
I know You’ll make it be.
Not so tired of being me.
Right my life will always be,
when I only trust in Thee.
If only I would be,
more like you and less like me,
truly trusting then would be,
Only, All, and Wholely me.

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This article has 2 comments.

Not_Her_Own said...
on Dec. 9 2008 at 5:48 pm
I'm am so proud for ya Harry! :)

This is one of the coolest poems I've ever read- the president should read this ! :D

Jilybeanrb said...
on Dec. 9 2008 at 4:56 am
Awe, I like this :]