Untitled | Teen Ink


November 30, 2008
By Anonymous

Just take me back to that day,
That day where we could see everything so clear.
Where right was said and wrong was no where.
Where some kids became a family,
Where outsiders are welcome.
And now, for some reason we can’t understand
I'm thinking of leaving that place.
Thinking of leaving the ones that have shown me the most love.
Leaving the ones that make me strong,
The ones that wouldn’t let me fake who I am,
The ones I didn’t have to change for.
The ones who treat me like I’m someone.
And now the day has come
Where I have to choose between them
And the people that aren’t my family.
The ones that I know will always be there
The ones that I call my best friends
And now that I’m repeating myself I see what I have to do.
I see what my choice must be if I want to take that path in life.
I see my future,
I see pain,
I see love,
I see goodbyes,
I see everyday, one after the other.
I see, I really do.

The author's comments:
This is me writing from pain.
The pain that I have from trying to choose between the musical and cheering at my school.
Pain helps me write.

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This article has 1 comment.

LisaM622 said...
on Dec. 8 2008 at 1:36 am
Hey Ally-

From one poet to another, I love your writing. This poem is so relateable in the choice between leaving those you love for someplace new. I can hear your voice behind it, and I can tell there is definitely a story that inspired you to write this poem.

It's fantastic, I love it.

-Lisa M