A Wintry Mix | Teen Ink

A Wintry Mix

November 30, 2008
By Matthew Shuman BRONZE, Sharon, Massachusetts
Matthew Shuman BRONZE, Sharon, Massachusetts
2 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Winter is cold and gloomy and bleak,
As the frozen icicles trickle down the creek.
Winter is bitter and harsh and cold,
As the snowflakes shimmer like a pot of gold.

Winter is empty forsaken and bare,
As the aroma of chimney smoke fills the air.
Winter is dismal and murky and dark,
As the snow covers up the empty trees and the bark.


Winter is exciting and joyous and fun,
As children play and scream, and down the hill they run.
Winter is warm and comfortable and cozy,
As you sit by the frozen fireplace to watch T.V.

Winter is picturesque and vivid and bright,
As the descending snow is glistening white.
Winter is exhilarating and amusing and full of change,
As the children throw snowballs and ski down the range.

Winter can be wonderful and gorgeous and bright,
But Winter can also be dark and dismal and full of freight.
I guess it all depends on you make of it, right?

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This article has 1 comment.

chester123 said...
on Dec. 7 2008 at 8:58 pm
great poem, very insightful and descriptive- i love the winter