Waiting | Teen Ink


November 27, 2008
By Dana Bernstein SILVER, Scarsdale, New York
Dana Bernstein SILVER, Scarsdale, New York
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’m not going to wait as you frantically rush to catch the eight o’clock train, though you claim that you set your alarm extra early to make sure you would be on time.
I’m not going to wait for you to brush your hair one more time just because you have to make it perfectly straight.
I’m not going to wait any longer for you to answer your phone as I have reached your answering machine three times now.
I’m not going to wait the extra five minutes in the long line to get the comfortable booth, not the small table, in the fancy restaurant.
I’m not going to wait until after dinner before I can eat the delicious chocolate cupcakes.
I’m not going to wait for the red traffic light to change to green before I can step on the gas.
I’m not going to wait for the letter in the mail that you promised you would write.
I’m not going to wait for the flash on the camera to go off before I wipe off this fake smile that’s plastered on my face.
I’m not going to wait another ten minutes for the cookies that you baked to cool when they look so tempting.
I’m not going to keep waiting for you to wish me a happy birthday when my birthday was three weeks ago.
And I am not going to wait around for you to come back to me, begging for forgiveness, when I know that I deserve someone better than you.
I’m done waiting.

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