The Wall | Teen Ink

The Wall

April 27, 2014
By Durkho BRONZE, Caracas, Other
Durkho BRONZE, Caracas, Other
1 article 4 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
The more you sweat in practise, The less you bleed in battle!

I stand on the Wall they call Great
Was it luck that brought me here or was it fate?
With the endless grass lands down below,
Where majestic mounts, though dark, have a glow,
I turn and walk, the wind touching my face,
I once dreamt to stroll alone in this place.
Closing my eyes, I capture the moment,
The world misses this peace, remains ignorant.
Each soft breeze through me blows away
All my sorrows and worries, wish forever I could stay.
I ponder as my feet strike against the hard stones,
This wall was built not only from rock, but flesh and bones.
With sweat from the brow, later turned to blood,
Each drop sacred, when mixed with mud.
Looking above I see birds struggling in the air,
Fighting the wind, not giving up in despair.
Trying harder, moving on, they flap their wings,
The sound of their young ones, in their mind, sings.
I see down in the fields, sitting on a straw heap,
A shepherd talking to his dog and sheep,
Smiling I look away and to myself I say
"Man has found tranquility in an animal's way,
Not holding out a hand for a fellow,
But laughing and caring for a beast that can bellow.
Such a downfall humanity has faced,
Not keeping up with time, so fast paced."
While walking on, I come across
A flower blooming out of the rocks.
With that small but blissful view,
My heart is filled with hope, a' new,
People don't think about these little things,
They don't hear the song nature sings.
God planned all yet we don't see,
How blessed life for us can be,
As such a height, I stand and wonder,
At God's creation and man's determination I marvel.
The purpose this wall served,
Many tales I've already heard,
to protect; provide
to shelter; unite
As I spend more time lost in deep thought,
I can imagine all burdens and hurdles; carried and fought.
Every block of stone has its own story,
They know of all who walked by and made history,
I hear their tales of wonder,
Of how they were once part of the mountains blackened by thunder.
"To be part of something so gigantic"
Spoke the proud words of each brick.
When everything around you tells its story,
We can learn how to live, but no; we just hurry.
Just then I hear a soft melody; soothing sound,
In the village someone's playing the guzheng gathering people around,
So much peace and bliss to spread,
This world has, then why so dead?
Not surprised much, to find it depressing,
I pull my dress up and walk on,
With the sweet tune, all worrying thoughts gone.
The birds sing to the music, up high,
The air now cold, but hope's making me fly.
And so I stand on the Great Wall,
Feeling strong, knowing life won't make me fall.
Even if I am brought down,
Now I found a reason not to frown,
Keeping my chin up; I won't give in,
When times are dark, won't let my fears win.
I take a deep breath; let all bad vibes go,
For now, the purpose of my life I know!

The author's comments:
This poem includes my feelings!

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