I Now Wear A Crown | Teen Ink

I Now Wear A Crown

November 21, 2008
By Anonymous

Your cold metal walls imprisoned my soul,
I was lost and dazed, I longed for a goal.

I came to see your ruined foundation.
Your walls collapsed, I feel elation.

You’re fiery breath smelled of burnt rubber,
A stench so foul, it could be no other

Than you who devoured my liberty,
Stole my hope and my desire to be

A child of ambition with dreams so bright,
But through suppression, I saw only night.

To be in your presence then, brought me dread,
Because of your deeds, my brother is dead.

We sewed your seams one after the other,
All in a row- mother, sister, brother.

We lived a life full of hopeless hunger.
We lived one step above six feet under.

You paid us a penny, charged a dollar.
You lived in a castle; we, in squalor.

I visit you now to know you are done.
No longer will you enslave anyone.

Again, I see the walls have fallen down.
I wear a wonderful life, like a crown.

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