tree life | Teen Ink

tree life

April 8, 2014
By kenz16 BRONZE, Le Center, Minnesota
kenz16 BRONZE, Le Center, Minnesota
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I was a little seed and planted and wanted to sprout
I was brought up with rules and boundaries
but the more I grew the it was broken
I try to grow were I was planted but I cant help that there's a boulder over my head
and once I start to grow there's no telling how ill turn out
I want to be strong like maple
presentable like cherry wood
as reasonable as oak
but the more I see of the real world the less and less I want to grow
I'm scared people are going to cut me down and use me to write their life story even though mine came to an end

but once the wind starts to pick up, the birds fly away
thunder shakes the ground, rain starts to flood
all the trees around me start to break, and the lightning strikes
dreading that it wont always slip passed me

when someone tries to bring me down the cuts get deeper and deeper
my roots become bottomless never forgetting
but here I still stand

I, like a tree is taken for granted
not appreciated, unrecognized of my true assents
and once you realize we're you cant live without us
and notice a spot that is empty and hallow

I just sit here not saying a word
watching, wanting to be heard
but know no one's around to listen
I try to be giving but people still step on me
people try to carve me into something I'm not
but my bark is like iron, uncarvable
I feel as if I sway the opposite way of the wind
that my leaves aren't as green as the others
like everybody wants to chop me down even though there's a whole forest
that my bark is thicker that others
it just means I'm harder to bring down
I may not be the prettiest tree, but I still able to climb and swing from
able to give off shade or keep you warm
after all, all I want to do is make people happy
I want to feel alive, forever thrive, never lie, and stay forever truthful till the day I die

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