The Many, The Few, The One | Teen Ink

The Many, The Few, The One

November 23, 2008
By Anonymous

There are somethings in life that you can avoid,
Others you can't, Some people choose to avoid those things because it hurts those around them,
I choose not to avoid them because whats life without risks. Heres a little peom I wrote.

Is she truly the one..
Yea i think shes the one..
Shes there in a way no one else could possibly be..
Shes there but shes not...
She knows where I come from....
But how much does she really know about me...
Well to be honest....I don't think she knows enough...
Does she want to know more...That is a question that I will have to ask her...
But I don't know how to ask her...
I don't know if she wants to know...
It might be something that she would hate me forever for....
I don't know if it's worth the risk...
Some might say "Go fo it"....
Others well..."Dude...You should tell her..."
But I will ave to tell her someday before she goes to her grave...
To the one that I never thought cared....

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