A Sense of Wild Life | Teen Ink

A Sense of Wild Life

November 17, 2008
By Anonymous

Can you feel the Wind
As it clings to your fingers
And try to drag you along

Can you hear the Water
As Thunders ands Roars
With a voice of its own

Can you smell the Earth
With its sent so rich and beautiful
And yet so wild

Can you see the Fire
As licks and bites and burns
With a passion you can not capture

Can you taste the Wild
That lingers in the Elements
That make up everything

The unexplored
Is calling out
Longing to be Known

But not to be tame
Never tame
Never to serve

They are wild
And deep down
So are you

They will befriend you
If you treat them kindly
And friends help friends to sustain

But never in a million years
Could you tame them
No matter what you think

For these things
These living things
Are Wild

And they have not forgotten wilder days

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