Girl's Best Friend | Teen Ink

Girl's Best Friend

November 14, 2008
By Anonymous

A beautiful girl,
Who shimmers in the night,
Smiles upon the glittering stars,
Rainbows are what she shines for,
And when moon light faces laughs in laughter.
A girl who dreams so big.
That can think of million things,
She is like a budding flower,
Blooming in the spring.
The everlasting water,
Thrown in her name,
She is so sweet,
With an unforgettable smile,
The words she speaks,
Will always be flourish,
She is never cunning,
Also very smart.
She has the brains.
Like the singing angels,
Above the crystallized skies.
She never has a green mean monster inside,
Screaming the heads out of her.
She is a true friend,
That tenders in her love to others,
That anguishes the knowledge,
Of both good and bad.
She is the soul of which everyone speaks,
In their own native tongues.
For following deeds of fellowship.

The author's comments:
I am 15 year old who loves to write poetry. This poem I wrote was about my true best friend in away.

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