The Journey of a Football | Teen Ink

The Journey of a Football

November 16, 2008
By Anonymous

“Moo, moo,” said the cow, sitting on a farm
With the horses and the sheep all huddled in the barn.
Then one day the cow said its last and final “moo,”
And fell with a thud so that he could be made new.
They took the skin from the cow and turned it into leather,
And treated it in a factory so it could withstand any weather.
When it came out it was ready to play,
With big strong guys hanging out all day.
Wearing helmets and shoulder pads and standing real tall,
Out came Adam Vinatieri holding the football.
But one day Vinatieri transferred to another team,
And he put the football in his bag right next to his white tees.
At the Superbowl, for the win, he kicked it into the crowd,
Where a little boy caught it, and he was very proud.
He could have kept it for himself but he sold it for some cash,
Then he used the football money and went and had a bash.
Now the football sits upon a trophy signed with Vinatieri’s name,
In a place of honor at the football hall of fame.

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