Hateful Roads, My Philosophy | Teen Ink

Hateful Roads, My Philosophy

November 10, 2008
By Anonymous

Hateful Roads

My Philosophy

Your life.

Their life.

My life.

Let me take you down a road.

Some roads I’ve been down.





Dangerous roads.

Isn’t that what roads are?

Roads are what people take which lead them to a whole other environment.

Many roads take us to places we love.

Very few lead us to places we hate.

Since there are very few, we least expect that one of those hateful roads we’d be on.

Once you’re on that road you’ve ended up on, there’s no escape.

What a cruel discovery to know it could be rape.

Sure, you could turn around one of those hateful roads and start off new.

But you know.

Only you know.

Starting new wouldn’t be easy leaving you with much aggrivation.

The truth is that in your heart, you know it must be done.

Or else, you will become so far lost .

Loss, depression, madness, wasteful time and unhappiness.

These five factors, leave no room for possibilities.

If you’ve gone down one of these roads and you’ve let it take control,

Which is what it does best,

You’ve not only lost your self battle, but purpose in life.

Not my life.

Not their life.

Your life.

Hmm. I bet you thought this poem would be about well, my life.

But this isn’t about me because I know me. I know my hateful roads.

They’ve taken control. Some still haven’t let go.

I’m satisfied though, because I leave them with none of those five factors in which they’ve tried to take me upon. I want possibilities.

What are your battles?

What has created your lost being?

What are your hateful roads?

The author's comments:
This poem is not about my personal experiences but may apply to many others. i hope people enjoy my writing.

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