Music Makes Sense | Teen Ink

Music Makes Sense

November 6, 2008
By Anonymous

The conflict is absurd.
(Do you believe?
Do I believe?)
I just laugh; I don’t.
(Can I make you believe?
Would you think like me?)
Religion is a tiresome thing.
(You can’t believe that.
You will believe me.)
But we don’t understand-
(Who saved you?
Who says so?
Why do I need to listen?)
What if it was music?
I’d listen to that.
I’d worship that.
I’d understand that.
I’d carry it with me-
Earphones instead of a cross around my neck.
Music saved me.
Different gods for different cultures
But all one beat.
Unity in music.
Love in understanding.
It’s all for one.
Do you believe?

The author's comments:
I want people to know that they can think for themselves, that religion should be a choice and a decision, not a forced commitment. Music just makes sense. If music was a religion, we could understand each other so much more, the conflict between religions wouldnt be so harsh.

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