Truthful Lying | Teen Ink

Truthful Lying

December 28, 2013
By LeafWriter DIAMOND, Littleton, Colorado
LeafWriter DIAMOND, Littleton, Colorado
55 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What is truth
if our seeing eyes
only tell us visible lies?
After all, so black and white
is this place we call home
never gray, it’s all we've come to know.
You see, the world is merely a penguin.
Unable to fly
and suspended on the blemished ground,
he’s ready to die.
So, honey, what did you mean
when you said I’m “true?”
If I’m stuck in the world outside
how will you go to sleep
and take me with you?
I cannot be captured and be set free
at the same moment in time
in this same state of being.
How can you hold my hand
when we stroll under the same moon?
And how is the future supposed to know
if we will be together soon?
How can we be together
if I am true in life
but false in death?
A mirror is all I will be when you die--
you will see me on the other side
but will never be able to catch my breath.
You will be forever lost in the light
while I caress the shadows of darkness.
And forever we will be apart
in these two foreign worlds
trapped in a forbidden solace.
So, how can this be, my dear
if I’m not really me, and you’re not really you,
but together we’re just merely “true”?

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