Pushed to the Edge | Teen Ink

Pushed to the Edge

December 16, 2013
By SabraR. BRONZE, Dunkirk, Indiana
SabraR. BRONZE, Dunkirk, Indiana
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Barely breathing,
I find myself pushed to the edge.
"Do I jump off? Do I end it?"
I asked myself in my head.

"Just give up!
You'll never win.
Yeah, that guy that you loved?
He'll never love you again.
You're wasting everyone's time.
Just jump off that edge."
Maybe my evil side's right,
maybe I'm better off dead.

"Don't! Please stop!
You're not grown up yet.
You have many years ahead of you,
I don't want you dead.
Don't give up because of him,
you're not ready to settle down.
Not 'til you're older.
Quit being a clown."
Dazed and confused,
is my good side right?
"Either way I'll lose..."
Or is that a lie?

Still on the edge,
my evil and good side fight.
Whose explanation is true?
Whose explanation is right?
Confused, I just sit here
wondering what to do.
End it all now,
or become something new.

As I sit here and ponder
on what's wrong and what's right,
I realize it's not worth it,
worth ending my own life.
Though I'm not happy now,
and my evil side sinks in,
someone will show me how,
and why my life shouldn't end.

The author's comments:
I wrote this as more of a pep talk for myself and others that have gone through a tough break up and contemplated suicide. I'm hoping this helps others as much as it helps me.

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