poor puppy | Teen Ink

poor puppy

October 12, 2008
By Anonymous

One or two
One or two
Look at the little confused puppy

So cute
So adorable
So stupid

Can’t decide
Can’t chose
Can’t settle on a bone or a toy

Awe poor thing
Only two choices
Yet he can’t make up his mind

Ignorant puppy
Shouldn’t your choice be clear?
Shouldn’t it be simple?

Can’t decide
Can’t chose
Can’t settle on a bone or a toy

Chose little puppy
It’s not hard
Go for the bone

Puppy wanders around
Puppy still thinking
Bone gets stolen away

Couldn’t decide
Couldn’t chose
Couldn’t settle on a bone or a toy

Poor puppy
You’re too late
Bone went bye bye

Bone is happier now
Bone is stronger
Bone is better w/o you

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