HATRED | Teen Ink


October 7, 2008
By Anonymous

I hate to see the road nowadays

with its busy traffic,

a car speeding by ,then goes a bus

and there they go

as if they have a invisible chain

that links them and I have

with me a difficult task ,

to cross the road .

Is there a hidden fear within me?

I hate to read the newspaper nowadays

with all those news of robberies and murder.

Everywhere I find the same thing repeated


Not even the home is safe!

Oh god !where can I find a haven?

Is there a hidden fear within me?

I hate this life

with all these dreadful things around

I hate the traffic

I hate the bloodshed

I hate fear

But I don't want to hate my life

Let the things happen

who bothers

for all i have to learn is to love my life

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