Friends? Yeah right! | Teen Ink

Friends? Yeah right!

September 17, 2013
By Marybery15 GOLD, Everett, Massachusetts
Marybery15 GOLD, Everett, Massachusetts
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You have to want it, to achieve it"

Friends, people that betray you, lie and tell everyone your secret. That's how my definition is. Betrayed by your own is what I have. Lied to by your own is what I have. Only one sticks around. Only one tells me the truth even when it hurts. Only one keeps my secrets even when she's mad at me. Only one judges and corrects me with love. Friends that are loyal, truthful, amazing, and wonderful? HA! Wish i knew how having friends like that feels like. Friends that judge, hurt, shatter your life, and dont care? Got plenty of those. "You never have a friend in life. As much as you think you do, they arnt your friend" I was told since little, but see all that changed when I met my only true best friend.

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