The Dragon of Ceradricernia | Teen Ink

The Dragon of Ceradricernia

August 26, 2013
By KaitoKid98 SILVER, Hampden, Maine
KaitoKid98 SILVER, Hampden, Maine
7 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase. ~MLKJ

Little children listen close
lend me your ears
a story is to be told of
one of our greatest fears.
A bellowing beast with eyes of ruby
a creature with a breath of flames
the majesty of its sapphire armor
its thick scaly mane.
But little ones,
this beauty is to be feared
for it will become your greatest nightmare
be the producer of your tears.
The Dragon of Ceradricernia
one of which they call Tenebris Sersien
prowls the night sky, rules the forest
don’t you dare go in.
For one who has entered never returns
but only from his mouth bones are spewed
The Dragon of Ceradricernia is a souless shadow
My dear friends, we’re all screwed.

The author's comments:
I really like dragons and I thought I'd write a piece from a medieval storytellers point of view. Enjoy!

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