Why Did You | Teen Ink

Why Did You

October 1, 2008
By Anonymous

You hurt me so much,
You promiced you would never leave,
So where are you?
I gave you my heart,
And you still have it,
But when you give it back,
It will be broken,
Why did you leave?
Why did,you break your promice?
Why did you break my heart?
And what I really,want to know is,
Why did you say you loved me,
If you didn't?

The author's comments:
What inspired me to write this peice was i go to a high school where there are alot of breakups and just situations where the girls' boyfriend says he loves her but then cheats on her. This poem can be good for male and female readers but really this poem when i wrote it, was meant for teenage girls. What i want my readers to get out of this is, this is a really tough situation but it happens to alot of girls. So,your not alone...

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