I've Forgotten | Teen Ink

I've Forgotten

September 29, 2008
By Anonymous

Alone, against the sun, I stand.
Breath draws short but,
With the seduction of fulfillment,
Gives promise of satisfaction.
And I can’t seem to remember
What it was I wanted to forget.
But I doubt forgetting was that important
If I’ve forgotten…

“Oh yeah, I almost forgot. I need to tell you something.”

“When I’m next to you I can feel the heat in my veins rise. Your touch sends message to creatures less subtle than butterflies, giving them instruction in aerial maneuver around my heart. Your scent burns in me like a sweetly ferocious flame created solely for allowing me to breathe. And your breath seeps into me with every kiss we’ve shared, giving me life a new with every depletion of your lungs.”

All but alone against the sun,
I begin to remember
That forgetting to forget
Was what I wanted to remember.
And I never want to forget that again.

“But my dear the sun is setting, and time is almost out. So I guess what I mean to say is…
I Love You!”

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