The Top Reason To Prefer Smooth Peanut Butter: Chunky Lovers Just Don’t Get It. | Teen Ink

The Top Reason To Prefer Smooth Peanut Butter: Chunky Lovers Just Don’t Get It.

September 23, 2008
By Anonymous

A: I like smooth peanut butter.
B: Why?
A: Chunky peanut butter has too many peanuts.
B: That makes no sense.
A: BLASPHEMY! It makes total sense!
B: How can peanut butter have too many peanuts?
A: All that extra crushed peanut makes it less buttery. It’s not truly peanut butter.
B: So, you mean to say that chunky peanut butter is too crunchy?
A: No…*exasperated sigh*, you don’t get it do you? I mean to say, what I said before.
B: That chunky peanut butter has too many peanuts?
A: Precisely.

The author's comments:
Person A is the smooth peanut butter lover.
Person B is the chunky peanut butter lover.

Honestly, thinking from the critical standpoint, this is a piece on more then just peanut butter. It's about the simplicity of things and how some people try to make everything unnessecarily logical and complicated. It's about enjoying the simple things of life and not questioning the beliefs of others. This dialogue can take many roles as a moral or a unique twist on life. It's quite interesting.

Analyze and comment with what you came up with.

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