Aching | Teen Ink


September 30, 2008
By Anonymous

My aching back,
Aches right in step with my achin’ heart.
I want you,
To hold you,
To show you it all,
Have that grandfather clock stop ticking.

Sitting on the steps,
Lying in bed,
Starin’ at the ceiling,
Starin’ at the world,
I see you in my mind,
I see your face,
That beautiful face,
And wonder.

I wonder what I would do,
If I were in your arms,
If you in mine,
Caressing your face with the back of my hand,
I ponder.

I ponder what we’ve cherished,
Memories we’ve adored,
All that we’ve been through.
It might not seem much,
But it’s a lifetime of love and commitment.

Following my footsteps,
I retrace my thoughts,
Detach myself to my heart that’s racing,
And I wonder.

I wonder what I would do,
If I were back in your arms,
If I would dream with you again,
And I ponder.

Ponder upon the past,
Upon all my memories,
The mistakes I made,
How I moved on.

Draped in your scent,
I want to engulf myself,
Right into what I know as you.
I want to remove the battery of time and space,
Remove all but you,
Stay in that fiery haze forever.

I want to watch that grandfather clock,
Watch it stop ticking,
Ache forward slower and slower,
Until at last,
Time has given me that precious gift:
And that gift my friend,
Is you.

The author's comments:
This piece was written when I was having hard times. It really personifies one of my experiences.

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