Drowning | Teen Ink


September 27, 2008
By stephanie leach BRONZE, Union Gap, Washington
stephanie leach BRONZE, Union Gap, Washington
3 articles 2 photos 0 comments

i'm running,
and faster,
i think I can do it this time,
i jump
and fly threw the air,
i feel the water envelope me,
inside itself
from head to toe,
i struggle to grasp the surface,
i can't swim,
i can't breath,
i reach for the surface,
and again
until finally,
I break it,
screaming for help,
I sink back down,
All the way to the bottom,
Still struggling,
For that surface,
That I can’t keep on top of,
I can't break the surface again,
I can't reach,
I can’t breath,
I see hands,
above me,
below me,
I grap on,
I break the surface,
The water falls
behind me,
she pulls me up and out of the water.....
tears are falling,
I’m saved.
- - -
I’m happy
And running, with it
I fall,
Lose my balance,
No one see’s,
No one hears,
As I crash,
As I’m sucked inside the water,
She turns,
I fight,
I struggle,
I get myself up above the water,
For a second,
She sees me,
She smiles,
As I get my head over the surface,
Of this,
Deep murky water,
She thinks I’m fine,
She turns back,
Not stopping to help me,
All the way out,
why can't she reach for me,
like she did back then?
Can't she hear my screams,
Of desperation,
Of frustration,
And fear,
As I sink back in this
Dark murky water
does she see my struggling,
as I’m trying to break the surface,
like I did then,
but the water,
it’s darker this time,
and I see no surface,
I see no hands above me,
I'm drowning,
I can’t breath,
and I only see hands below me,
they've almost got me
and there’s no hands above me,
that I can see,
the hands I want to see
like the hands I saw back then
or any hands at all.
There's no one to help me,
so will I going to get out
of this deep pool
to get away from the
when I have no idea
how to swim away
from the dark,
deep hands.

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