A Moral-less Fable | Teen Ink

A Moral-less Fable

September 26, 2008
By Anonymous

My mind a gentle hallucinogen,
aiding delusion’s pursuits.
With a vision of a thousand monarch butterflies
hovering over the dreamcast,
waiting to be fed the milkweed branches
that whistle its effortless harmony
into the deep underbrush of the pond...

A pinnacle of puissance
you’ve tied upon me
the knots
in which, creating a tale:
The Oracle bends over,
his wrinkled hands brush against the thick binding...
The clock strikes its last hour;
The windows pried open by an omnipotent force.
A flame of gust rushes in—
the pages a flutter, a monarch too.
And its words, the flotsam above such shallow waters...

The horizon speaks its dawn song
and cries.
And sighs, and dies, dies, dies
into the air...disintegrating...
like the sandman,
tilting on the earth’s axis...
and it’s gone before you know it.
It's gone.

The author's comments:
I'd very much love to say that my poem has this deep, moving proverbial message that is supposed to touch the hearts of the youth of today and this very generation itself, but unfortunately in this case, all that would be a lie. This is just a piece shot straight from the traffic of my mind. I know the meaning, but you do too. Just pick one, and it'll fit. If this was a painting, it would be like Picasso's--abstract, hard to identify, yet it still catches the very corner of your eye...or at least I'd like to hope so. We'll let the reader decide, shall we now?

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