~LOve~ | Teen Ink


September 24, 2008
By Anonymous

when i think of love the first thing that come to my mind is a strong affection that you have for someone. love is a thing that you take great pleasure in and its passionate, loyal, and innocent. when you love someone you dont lie, hurt, or misuse them. when you love someone you should always be there for them and make them feel like a real man or woman, make them feel appreciated. I want the kind of love that i have to pinch myself to know if its real or not(ladies u know what im talking about)
love is patient that means men and women you have to be patient and give that person that you love time to feel what you are feeling.love also have its ups and downs,if you have a perfect love then something is wrong one of yall cheating or something but like i said every love has a up and down so be patient and sit down and talk it out love is not all about sex and getting yours, its more than that its having deep emotions for someone special Love does not insist on its own way it is not irritable or resentful it does not rejoice in the wrong but in the right. So if you havent found love yet, be patient because its on its way to lift you off your feet if you only pay attention and read my poem carefully.
LUV yall folks

The author's comments:
Love makes you go crazy but at the same time feel special. We as human beings go through ups and downs and turn arounds. Love is one of the reasons for this but lets lovew while we can so we know how it feels.

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