The Parts of Speech | Teen Ink

The Parts of Speech

September 21, 2008
By Anonymous

These words…
What do they mean?
You say one thing in vocabulary
But also that they are so much more complex behind the scenes

Why do we classify things?
Nouns, verbs, predicates?
It’s kind of silly that as the world advances
You still practice this delicate etiquette

We should write
How we speak
And for this
You punish me

What is it worth?
Learning proper sentence structure and generic words?
Even the greatest writer’s dialect showed originality

I’m an adjective expert
A morbidly jaded queen or word play
I don’t listen to the rules of literate society
Spontaneity is the way!

You say “This makes no sense”
But are you really reading?
Or are you skimming to bash me?
Because my writing you dare not believe in?

Dare to make a new meaning!
Write what’s inside your head!
If I don’t let my imagination run wild
I would rather be dead.

My opinion, you say, doesn’t matter
I dare not write one more controversial line
Just watch my dear teacher…
This random trend will grow in time.

The author's comments:
I have a hard time in English with grammar. I don't understand why wehave so many rules only for writers and poets to break them. I wrote this because I felt I should show I am a true writer. I go by emotion and not rules.

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This article has 1 comment.

lawyerjudge said...
on Sep. 25 2008 at 6:19 pm
very interesting poem. Doesn't ryhme enough for my taste but it was very good.