All That (Still) Remains the Same | Teen Ink

All That (Still) Remains the Same

September 18, 2008
By Anonymous

All the places remain
the same except the thoughts alive
that kept me from the insane
Now and then, I open up
everything inside but I thought since had died
Sometimes I go there just to cry
The moon sings me a lullaby

Memories, the feel good feeling
Scarring hymns that keep on bleeding

After awhile
I dry my tears
Go out on trails,
just to go and face my fears
Nightmares, and lies the boiled up
The pain and again i must go at it alone
Then something pulls at my strings
The owls slowly begin to sing

Memories, the feel good feeling
Scarring hymns that keep on bleeding....

The author's comments:
This song I came up with one day when I woke up from a dream I was having, and I turned it into a song

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