The School Dance | Teen Ink

The School Dance

September 17, 2008
By Anonymous

He’s staring at her through dark brown eyes,
She turns away because she feels shy.
He gently places his hands on her waist,
Then patiently waits till he sees her face.

She stares back at him through dark brown eyes,
She wants to go, so she whispers “bye”.
But something is holding down her feet,
She doesn’t know what, maybe his heartbeat.

It’s beating so softly against her chest,
It’s like she can hear it through his vest.
She places her arms over his neck,
While he leads her into a slow dance on the deck.

Feeling uncertain he lifts up her chin,
Then he relaxes because he sees her grin.
He bends down and kisses her when he gets the chance,
And they both realize that this is their favorite school dance.

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