Forever And For Always | Teen Ink

Forever And For Always

September 17, 2008
By Anonymous

Glancing at the photos on the corner of the coffee table, I began to weep again. This is not supposed to be your destiny. I have memories of you, so innocent and young, pretending you were a beautiful princess dancing upon the ballroom floor, the music creating a duet with the beat of your heart. Your dancing had my pride shooting higher than a rocket. I though I had done enough to make you happy, and your questions with a true reply. In the letter you spoke of hidden thoughts, feelings and horrible secrets and pain I couldn't even begin to understand. You wrote of the moments you felt I had abandon you. Those wordbroke my heart and left it to bleed. You wrote of the fun times we had together as best friends, and also family. You wrote of the pain you oculdn't live with any longer. I know I'll never understand the dmage you have done to yourself. You gave in to the pain and agony, accepting your defeat, leaving nothing, but this letter and memories. Among all losses I have had to cope with, this will be impossible to overcome, for this bond of love is irreplaceable. It's the bond and love of a mother and daughter. I couldn't dream of ever replacing you. i'll never get you back, and though you may not be here physically, you'll always be on my mind and in my heart.
Forever and for always.

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