What Pumpkins Do At Night | Teen Ink

What Pumpkins Do At Night

September 17, 2008
By Anonymous

Nightime falls

It’s quiet now.

The autum air

awakens the plants

and now the pumpkins

steal their chance.

Out of the garden

one by one

they roll on out to have some fun.

Past the corn patch and scarecrow,

up the hills

away they go!

Having fun and

breathing hard,

The Pumpkin Gang

is still at large

Till broke the dawn

and then they knew

they’d soon be missed

so off they flew.

Down the hills and over

leaf covered terrain

until they were

back home again.

The day was dull,

but that’s all right,

they’re going out again tonight.

The author's comments:
I like to think that inanimate objects have lives of their own when others aren't looking. That they want to have fun as much as we do.

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