Unknown Arachnid | Teen Ink

Unknown Arachnid

September 16, 2008
By Anonymous

Unknown spider, you shine so elegantly. You catch my eyes. I watch you as you leap. The tiger comes out in your stripes. You have an orb, an orb like a world. The world is carried on you back. It must be heavy. You are brave; I see no weakness in your leap. This world, your world, my world is like a burden. It grows in my mind, your mind but we find no solution. I ponder through my thoughts, you approach me. I can feel your colors of bright orange like a hot sun. I stretch a hand and you crawl up my arm. The gleaming yellow fangs drip out of you bloodthirsty mouth. I tremble in fear. Are you poisonous? You don’t bite me. Why don’t you? I am here. I can be a friend to you. No longer do I fear you. My hand lowers to the ground. Spider why don’t you leap? You settle on my arm. I can not care for you. Find your own way. As you leap on to mend a world. The further you go, the brighter your glow. Deep in the woods of the mind.

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