Sweet Letters | Teen Ink

Sweet Letters

September 18, 2008
By Anonymous

When the song ends and the sea has calmed down.
Who will stand next to me to finish the dance?
When I asked will you stay with me during those dark and god-forsaken nights,
you stayed by my side.
You were the first thing I saw when I fluttered my eyes open.
You were the first to say good morning to me that day.
You where the first thing that made me smiled brightly.
You didn’t leave like the older crows did
and I didn’t forget that.
You let me wear the hat to keep the warmth on my head,
the sun out of my eyes. You did a lot for me
and I never once said thank you.
Letters and poems won’t make it emotional enough,
not the way I want it at least, for me to say thank you.
Thank you darling and I won’t forget
the Mockingbird that stayed by my side
when I was in my darkest of times in the years that have passed our lives.

The author's comments:
I was having an okay day, and I remembered that I never did say I love you that day. I know it's corny, but I love my family and friends a lot and I express it in this piece.

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