Moon-lit Secret | Teen Ink

Moon-lit Secret

September 18, 2008
By Anonymous

Secluded in a dark neighborhood...

Sneaking away, when others are knocked out from exhaustion...

I take the shortcuts around town, through the backyard, then the forest behind it...

I know exactly where I'm going, moving only under the glimmer of moonlight...

I walk through the hidden nature trail, there aren't any witnesses, I am safe...

I come to a spot beneath the moon, I see that HE has beaten me to our usual spot.

We are safe, to be together, but then I begin to think out loud once again...

"why must we only be among the shadows to be together, my dear? How come our passion and devotion must stay behind closed doors?"

HE smiles at me, his teeth reflect the moonlight above as he speaks sweetly...

"Come now, my dearest, we must only stay hidden from glaring eyes a little longer. We cannot risk the abuse of cruel judgement of our fellow freshmen..."

"I guess so", I say.

"Please understand my love", he continues, our hands clasped lovingly. "I only wish to keep you from being hurt, by THEM. I want to be together without any worry."

My face heats up, even in the brisk night air, HE speaks once more...

"As long as we are together now, I shall try to protect you, and be with you always...I promise"

Then, we move closer, his arm around me...

"Hold me my dear", i say. "Never let go..."

Our secret is sealed, with a long, setimental kiss...


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