Memoirs of a Lonely Star | Teen Ink

Memoirs of a Lonely Star

September 15, 2008
By Anonymous

The clocks tick the years away, while

I recall the dream of the laughing sun

And the new star basking in its warmth.

I recall all that held together the

Stars' journey towards the light.

All was right, and all was safe,

As long as I felt the warmth,

The embrace of the radiant sun,

And the smile on your face

Amidst a simple game of catch.

Every time I fell from heights unconceived,

You convinced me to try again,

While, knees skinned, I forgot to cry,

And remembered only that you were there,

Striving to rise again if only to make you proud.

You taught me how to stand on my own,

So I learned the hard way to endure life.

Still, with each ordeal, I found your hand.

Drawing from you an inner strength,

Taking in the warmth of your courage.

All was right, and all was safe

So long as I tread under the reign of the protector,

Under the brilliance of the grand sun.

All was right, and all was safe

So long and the sun never set.

But there the line of fate was drawn,

And you passed as quick as the sapphire sky

Fades to that of an auburn abyss.

I found myself facing the darkness,

Blinded by the absence of your brilliance.

So now

It's cold,

And dark.

I'm afraid,

Missing the warmth of your hand.

But I have risen again,

And stand tall, just like you taught me.

I shine, shine, shine on

and dismiss the darkness about me,

If only to make you proud of what will be.

So now, just hear the plea of a lonely star.

I'm sorry I fell, over, over, and over again.

My life is wrecked, and my knees are skinned.

But I try again, I stand true,

I cry, and I grit my teeth through the pain.

Now, my expense is left to the echoes,

The echoes of your relieving radiance.

But echoes cannot satisfy the void I beg filled.

I beg to hear you say, just once more.

Please...please say only that you're still proud of me.

The author's comments:
I wrote this out of respect to my deceased grandfather. He was the only father figure I had in my life, and when he died, it left a significant mark. Hopefully, others will enjoy the inspiration I gained from it.

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