Reminded of You... | Teen Ink

Reminded of You...

September 15, 2008
By Anonymous

Many days have passed since you've been gone...
Sometimes I just feel all alone...
I want you here to hear you say...
That everything will be ok...

But I'm not ok without you here...
A missing part of me is clear...
When you left you took along...
A part of my heart where your love belongs...

Now, up in the Heavens where the angels sing...
But you being gone, pain it does bring...
Sometimes I just can't help but cry...
I didn't want to say good-bye...

I still miss you with every day...
And that will always stay the same...
Cause when I look in the mirror and I see me...
I'm reminded of you, Daddy...

I have your black hair and your smile...
I am so lucky to be your child...
I just wanted you to know that I'm thinking of you...
And also that I love you too.

The author's comments:
This poem comes truly from my heart. My dad died when I was 11 and now I am 15 and I still miss him so much. But I know he's watching over me and is still with me everywhere I go.

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