What is Life? | Teen Ink

What is Life?

September 15, 2008
By Anonymous

The world hears, but does not listen.

The world sees,but does not believe.

The world Knows, but does nto understand.

Questions of time pass, but remain unanswered. A barrier between truth and the world.

Will we let injustice rule and be followers, or take a stand against wrong doings?

If the world does not listen, what are words?

If the world does not believe, what is the heart?

If the world does not understand, what is the mind?

What is Life?

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This article has 1 comment.

on Sep. 19 2008 at 3:45 am
I love it! It was amazing. Everyword written is true and what is life if we don't understand or believe and especially listen. I hope everyone can read this article. Thank you Megan!