purpose | Teen Ink


September 13, 2008
By Anonymous

Summer begins it’s ending
Casting rainbows on the curtains
Shouting saddened lullabies across her room
She gave up
And way too soon
She had few choices
And she preferred her silent words
She didn’t believe she was meant to be heard
Meant to be loved
Meant to be alive
She stared into her future and saw nothing
White shadows and dark corners
The strength of being alone is what she noticed
The reasoning for settling
The expressions of her face changing in beat of her heart
She chose this
And she lasted longer than she knew
Through the various ravenous
She smiled
Smiled for hope
Smiled for death
Smiled for her sacred quest
She tiptoed around the edge
Dancing in her melody
Her remedy for losing
Her medicine for wanting
She left the scene
Embraced her dream
Watched out for the things unseen
Tripped twice
Rolling her dice
She tried her luck
She won a buck
She walked on out
Forgot her doubt
Entered the memory
The memory of purpose
Purpose of herself

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